Staff Costs ¦ External Processer ¦ Internal Processes ¦ Savings ¦ What Next
  Adjust the key slider values in BLUE; the value is then shown in the right hand column.
BLACK values, pre-set to reasonable estimates for small workflows in many organisations, can be either ignored or adjusted.
    Units Value
  What is the average annual salary of the employees involved in your business processes?
  Staff Cost per working hour (default 230 working days & 7.5 hours per day)  
  Loaded Staff Cost per working hour  
  Staff Costs ¦ External Processes ¦ Internal Processes ¦ Savings ¦ What Next
  Typically external processes are driven by documents being created, sent for review/approval, then printed/posted (or hand carried) to someone externally for signing. These documents may then be returned, processed and after a final check saved.

Your estimates for how long tasks take and/or the number of each items each month:
    Units Value
  Number of documents that need signing or approval
  Documents printed (as percentage of all sent in this process)
  Time spent creating each document (minutes)
  Time to send document to external party including print and post (minutes)
  Average number of pages per document
  Printing cost per page
  Postage and enveloping cost per letter
  Percentage of documents that require chasing
  Time spent chasing for a reply for each document  (minutes)
  If hand carried (e.g. by field rep), Travel time (minutes, average return trip)
  Percentage of documents hand carried
  Time spent scanning/reviewing/checking/filing for each document (mins)
  Monthly Expenditure Hours   Cost
  Cost for Time spent Creating documents  
  Cost for Time spent Sending documents  
  Cost of Printing and Posting  
  Cost for Time spent Chasing for a reply  
  Cost of Travel time (if hand carried)  
  Cost for Time Scanning/Reviewing/Checking/Filing replies  
  Staff Costs ¦ External Processer ¦ Internal Processes ¦ Savings ¦ What Next
  Typically internal processes are driven by documents being created and then sent to one or more departments involving at least  several people for further tasks.  Such tasks including processing transactional items and/or review, approval, possibly signing and filing (after final checks).

Your estimates for how long tasks take and/or the number of each items each month:
  Units Value
  Number of documents that need signing or approval each month
  Percentage of documents that require chasing
    Minutes for each action
  Time to create document(s) and send for internal review (via e-mail or other)
  Time spent chasing for a reply or approval for each document (minutes per document)
  Time spent reviewing/checking and filing for each document (minutes per document)
  Loaded Staff Cost per working hour  
    Total Cost:
  Staff Costs ¦ External Processer ¦ Internal Processes ¦ Cost Savings ¦ What Next  
  The Digitalisation of a process can greatly reduce the time and effort to create documents, manage and monitor the workflow process. 

For example, creating a purchase request, sending it for approval to the budget holder and then generating a purchase order can all be automated and tracked without using e-mail. 

When a process involves an external customer or organisation, the savings are even greater as documents are born electronically and kept in this format within and between systems. 

Using automations in digitised processes, staff never need to manually chase recipients to send documents back!

You do not need to touch the sliders which are set to typical savings percentages.
    Units % Saving  
  Reduced Creation and Output (external)        
  Savings on time spent creating documents
  Savings on documents printed & posted
  Savings on documents hand delivered
  Reduced archiving/provenance admin (external)        
  Reduction in scanning and filing documents
  Productivity saving (Chasing and reviewing)
  Efficency savings (internal)      
  Productivity saving (Chasing and reviewing)
  Reduction in time creating and e-mailing internal documents
  Total Monthly Savings  
  These savings exclude those from Paper Storage, ongoing Search/Retrieve effort, Compliance, etc. as well as the benefits of greater business speed and agility (working with other systems).    
  Click Next for ROI and to put this into context  
  Staff Costs ¦ External Processer ¦ Internal Processes ¦ Savings ¦ What Next      
  Based on the data you provided, you will see a positive cashflow following successful implementation.
The 5 year projection below shows the three interesting things:
 - Firstly, the top of each bar shows the cumulative projected total costs if you do nothing
 - The
orange bar projects the new reduced operational costs following digital transformation
 - Lastly, the
blue component shows the projected saving. 
  So, your key metrics are:        
  The ROI is based on assumptions and therefore may not reflect accurately all of your own organisation's specific circumstances. These calculated savings also exclude those from Paper Storage, ongoing Search/Retrieve effort, Compliance, etc. as well as the benefits of greater business speed and agility (working with other systems).       
  If you would like to have a tailored Digitalisation ROI based on your organisation’s unique circumstances, please request a free initial consultation.      
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