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Output & Archive

Content IntegrationOutput

Powerful Output Management modules can enable the creation and distribution of the largest volumes required by global organisations. A highly efficient, scaleable and “industrial strength” processing engine, benchmarked at over 1 million documents per hour, is able to handle very high workloads within the overnight batch-window ­ which means no more ‘systems unavailable’ problems next morning or interrupted (or incomplete) batch runs.

Publication and distribution usage across these modules includes multi-media publication composition for all output types, distribution control across all channels from smartphone to letter, and intelligent archive. Key Output Management modules include:

icon/Compose renders documents in many output formats, i.e. AFP, PDF, PDF/A, TIF and PCL.

The formatter supports several functions, such as generating Data Matrix or Bar Codes, embedding graphical elements in the formats, AFP Page Segments, GIF, TIF, JPEG or SVG, or embedding complete AFP and PDF documents or pages.

icon/Console is a Web and JMX based user interface for monitoring and controlling of Icon-Suite processes and servers.

Monitoring includes displaying job status information, relevant job components, log information or component memory usage.

Controlling includes cancelling a job or its components.

icon/OMS enables post-processing, electronic postage calculation and stamping, sorting, mail optimising and collecting, enveloping control, etc. This add-on product enables mailroom efficiencies and postal discounts.


Once document design, creation and output are completed for individual documents, these can be efficiently stored for future retrieval using metadata and advanced information management techniques combined with icon modules such as Desktop and COPiX. Icon can advise clients on the optimum methods to achieve each client’s archiving objectives. This can unlock savings in terms of reduced storage, floor space, cost, etc and reputational benefits in terms of speed of access to archived documents.

DOPiX from icon is the umbrella name for all the modules described in Content Template Design, Document Creation and above.

COPiX is the integrated suite of Content Integration modules described next. Both suites can be used in a combined and complementary manner, or run stand-alone.

They allow you to support all modes of usage (batch, interactive and online), almost any number of channels, languages and brands, all from a single set of rules, document template and repository - with seamless integration to other enterprise systems whether live SAP systems or non-icon document archives.

Product and Company News

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arrow COVID-19 Response: Helping remote workers to get documents signed
arrow Lifecycle Interaction Platform - Crisis Response (LIP-CRS)
arrow Balancing Fraud Management with Customer Experience in High-Value, Complex Service Workflows 


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