The Business Leader’s perspective
As a Business Leader in the Telecoms and Utilities sector, you understand how to balance conflicting demands for growth, investment, cost control and risk reduction. Document-led communications, whether in physical or electronic form, are your organisations ‘calling card’. Recent studies show that many organisations are unaware of the full potential of best-of-breed current document and communications technologies.
One short term investment paying long term benefits is to examine your customer communications infrastructure with an enterprise wide perspective. Our skilled consultants can assist your teams in understanding exactly where your organisation persistently overspends and how to make transformational improvements in customer experience, customer engagement and loyalty. Engage your customers with accurate and relevant details delivered to their choice of place and time to enable a great experience.
By comparing with best of breed large scale Customer Communications systems elsewhere, with our help you will quickly see how to differentiate from competitors and find efficiencies. Typically our projects pay back within the first year and produce an outstanding ROI over the life of the system.
But this typically needs an enlightened sponsor to understand the scale of the opportunity and the difference between ad-hoc versus integrated solutions. Whilst our technologies can be easily integrated into your existing IT systems, to transform business performance it needs someone who is able to sponsor/guide the organisation through the necessary co-ordinated changes of people processes, information management and systems implementation. At Icon UK we specialise in these areas, creating customized solutions for each client and working with Business Leaders and the senior management team to guide them through the right choices to maximise desired improvements in Customer Service, Compliance, Cost reduction and Revenue enhancement.
As a Business Leader, you know Customer Communications is a key business function. It drives to the heart of your customer experience, operational efficiency and change agendas. Yet it is unlikely to appear on most company dashboards. Do you know the true ‘cost per document by type’, ‘error rates in print/email/etc’, ‘time to deliver marketing campaigns versus competition’ or the ‘mix of automated to manual correspondence’. If you do, you’re unusual and probably already ahead of the game. Most do not know where they stand competitively regarding this key organisational infrastructure.
Studies of both print and electronic media show it is all too often an improperly understood area of operational cost, spanning separate departments, budget-holders and responsibilities. In a sense it is hidden; often ‘lobby-less’. Which is wasteful, since organisations typically achieve over 200% ROI in the first year with our technologies - and many multiples of that ROI in many years there-after.
Getting this area right SHOULD BE a priority as it can result in very large cost savings, or large revenue improvements, AND better customer experience, both in short timescales. Leading Corporations are getting their costs and content under proper control by introducing appropriate levels of automation. But whilst doing this, over the next 2 years some 90% will also be providing information to customers via mobile devices. Such self-serve presents huge threats and opportunities.
It's about attracting and retaining customers by giving them the information they want, in whatever format they prefer, at the right time; Personalised!
This encourages a better engagement and uptake of electronic media by your customers, in turn growing revenues and reducing print, postage and storage costs.
Crucially your own client facing staff need access to a consistent, current view of the customer as well. Too often data is not accessible when needed, or has to be recalled from archive, or is in paper format, or is in the wrong electronic format. Studies show that 15% of all office space is taken up by paper, searching for information is the largest uncontrolled cost in organisations and even when documents are produced at least 3% need to be re-worked the same day!
How icon helps
Icon solutions help ensure interactions are crisp and accurate. Support for real-time review of customer history leads to improved cross-selling, up-selling and customer engagement.
Companies that engage Icon find they can understand what customer communications are really costing and translate this into a compelling Return on Investment case. By investing in the right solutions they can improve content and policy control, increased customer loyalty and by achieving top-quartile performance in customer communications management developing a robust platform for strategic objectives such as rapidly realising merger and restructuring synergies.
Icon UK can assist in the all areas related to improving customer communications including:
Improved Customer Service |
- More personalised automated & interactive communications
- Speed and accuracy of communication
- Instant access to current and archive customer information
- Improve cross-selling and up-selling
Cost Savings and rationalisation |
- Simplify & consolidate IT systems and output streams
- Reduce paper, print and postage costs
- Retire legacy systems and platforms
- Increase staff productivity
Increased content efficiency
- Radical consolidation of templates
- Improve workflow and case management
- Greater re-use of content
- Reduce document development time and skills
Reduced compliance risk and governance efforts |
- Enforce document & regulatory standards
- Compliant audit and search capabilities
- Improve control document storage and access
- Enable multi-level workflow approvals
Some of the world’s largest and leading service organisations use our technology solutions. Call us to find out how we can help your organisaton.