Wacom chose the National Theatre’s rooftop terrace as the UK launch platform for the ground-breaking Wacom Clipboard. From here one can imagine the varied journey paths of a paper based file record to Whitehall, but even if folded into the best paper plane a digital equivalent will arrive faster and more securely!

As Wacom’s premier UK integration partner, Icon UK has been looking forward to this day for many months. The reaction to the new Wacom Clipboard tablet was fantastic and thanks to a lively audience, great speakers drawn from NHS, Central Government, Housing, Charities and OFWAT, this product launch couldn’t have been any better!

The Clipboard is an A4 tablet sized device which enables a digital original to be created simultaneously with the creation of a paper original document.
It’s software enables easy writing, mark-up, sign and automatic sync of both media types, on A4 or letter sizes. Handwritten data can even be converted using handwriting recognition.
And when properly integrated, at scale for enterprise wide use or simply local uses, can produce dramatic process improvements without impacting existing cultural norms.
Some key takeaways from the event:
The Wacom Clipboard tablet - a perfect hybrid of digital and paper
This “stepping stone” platform bridges the divide like nothing else on the market. Forms are recognised by the Wacom Clipboard from a small barcode at the top of the page. The fields on the forms are filled in and whilst the paper copy is written on in ink, the digital capture on the tablet underneath is automatically sent through for immediate integration into a CRM/database, workflow or other back office applications for processing.
It’s a softer transition to digital
Not everyone is ready to switch off paper and move direct to digital…the journey that the Wacom Clipboard takes us on helps to provide a logical transition whilst meeting practical, as well as legal and regulatory requirements, for paper to still be used today.
Faster processes for a better customer experience
As no software is held on the tablet, there are no issues if it’s misplaced. The customer can take the paper copy and the tablet can be used for another form or another customer. The processing of the form data can take place immediately, behind the scenes to speed up a multitude of processes. Efficiencies gained from automatically capturing and processing the form data reduces time and cost whilst making the customer experience a richer one.
The perfect solution for operational efficiency in the Government sector
The ‘Digital by Default’ and similar agendas have been promoted for a long time, yet there is still huge amounts of paper used across every part of the Public Services. There are cultural, operational and organisational constraints in moving straight to a fully digital mode. The interest from this launch has confirmed that a hybrid solution like this has a place! Not everyone in this sector is a digital citizen, so the social inclusion that this product achieves makes it perfectly poised to succeed in the government and third sectors and related areas.
It’s a genius move on the part of a firm recognised for its excellence in digital graphics tablets to spot and address a need in the market for a transition product like Clipboard.
You can read more about the Wacom Clipboard here

- or find out today how your organisation could unlock huge potential with a Wacom Clipboard by contacting a member of the team at Icon-UK, Wacom’s leading Clipboard partner.